MAGIC SHOW 21.08.2023
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Mount Zion Matric Hr. Sec. School is an institution run by a non-profit organization called NISHELLE EDUCATIONAL TRUST. We operate in rural Tamil Nadu, INDIA. WE ENSURE THAT COMMUNITIES CAN HELP THEMSELVES AND CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THEMSELVES.
To do this, we construct schools to give communities access to high-quality education, including elementary and secondary schooling, vocational training, and career counselling.
With your support, we can make developing communities in India into places where people may experience a healthier, happy, and more prosperous future by making them educated, productive, sustainable, and lucrative.
Mount Zion Matric Hr. Sec. School is an organization of learners formed of students, parents, and faculty who are committed to providing an academically demanding, culturally compassionate, and inclusive...
Establishing a model that can be duplicated in communities outside of Tamil Nadu and India to deliver education and related services in a cost effective and self sustaining manner
Delivering education to children in underdeveloped areas by maximizing their potential and preparing them to thrive as productive adults in their communities.